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Year 8 LP3 - Titanic

In this learning programme you will be exploring the timeline of events and context of the Titanic disaster.

You will develop an understanding of the Edwardian era, class divisions and other elements of societal context through a variety of primary and secondary sources

As well as having the opportunity to consider does the class you're in in society define what happens to you in life? Are the classes even important anymore?

Home Learning

Below are your Home Learning Activities for your 'Titanic' Learning Programme

Each 'Home Learning Stage' matches a 'Stage of your Learning Journey' through the 'Titanic' programme - essentially, the 2 weeks of Home Learning that builds up to each assessment: Literacy 1, Mid-Point, Literacy 2, End-Point

That means you can choose to do ONE to THREE tasks for A / B / C in each 'Home Learning Stage'. Then you MUST complete D in each 'Home Learning Stage' to be ready for your assessment

Stage One:

A)Research – Life in 1901-1912 - find 10 facts

B)Research - King Edward VII - find 10 facts

C)Prepare – Questions to ask The Captain of the Titanic (10 questions

D)Plan – finish planning for Literacy Assessment

Stage Two:

A)Research – pop culture - 10 things that show Titanic is still important today

B)Research - 10 facts about what's changed in ship building since 1912

C) Prepare – eyewitness account - a paragraph describing the sinking

D) Plan – finish planning for Mid-Point Assessment

Stage Three:

A) Research – Story of a survivor - 10 facts about someone who survived

B)Research – Titanic in films - what films have referenced the Titanic

C)Prepare – Newspaper Front Cover the day after the sinking

D)Plan – finish planning for Literacy Assessment

Stage Four:

A)Prepare – Argument in support of crew on board and how they handled the sinking

B)Prepare – persuasive argument against crew on board and how they handled the sinking

C)Revise – Create your own Knowledge Organiser

D) Plan – finish planning for End Point Assessment

Videos to help with Home Learning Tasks:

1) Titanic Timeline of Events

2) Edwardian Era

3) Titanic Survivor

4) Titanic in real footage


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