In this learning programme you will be revising the novella 'A Christmas Carol' in preparation for your Component 2 Exam in the summer for GCSE English Literature.
You will be working on building your knowledge of characters, themes and quotes; your tentative analysis skills and your ability to structure a full essay.
Home Learning
Below are your Home Learning Activities for your 'A Christmas Carol' Learning Programme
Each 'Home Learning Stage' matches a 'Stage of your Learning Journey' through the 'A Christmas Carol' programme.
That means you must complete that will help to develop your own skills based on your own targets your teacher has given you.
Revision Packs and Booklets:
Useful Sites and Videos:
Also Don't Forget...
A) You must have completed 5 flashcards per character and theme
B) Your flashcards must include the key quote, the stave it's from, linked to who / which theme, key words (zooming in to language), techniques/terminology, alternative interpretations in your analysis