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Literacy Challenges - Mini Generic Tasks

This section gives you an opportunity to take your skills a step further with 'Literacy'

By completing the activities below, you will improve your knowledge, understanding, ideas and vocabulary

linked to your literacy skills.

This could not only boost your knowledge, understanding, ideas and vocabulary for literacy but could also help you 'level up' in your reading and writing work in the classroom and your assessments

Literacy Activities - Generic Challenges:

1) DID YOU KNOW - there are 33 school weeks from October half term to the end of the school year in July? That's 33 weeks of opportunities to challenge yourself with your literacy.

Below is a resource that has 50 mini activities linked to literacy. They are mini which means they are should be completed in a short amount of time.

Can you complete all 50 by the end of the school year in July?

2) DID YOU KNOW - proof reading is an important step when completing any piece of writing/assessment/exam? It can help you spot and avoid any small mistakes. However - proof reading needs practice!

Below is a link to the BBC Bitesize website, with some fun online activities to help you practise proof reading

There are also some proof reading activities below, with the answers, to help you even further! Why not challenge someone at home, once you have had a go?


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